If it is not there, go to the Tools menu in Zotero Desktop to install the MS Word plugin. When you install Zotero Desktop on your computer, the Zotero tab is automatically added to the toolbar in Word. Im removing comments from others just because I dont have their permission. Do this for each item you would like to cite. In Word, from the Zotero menu, click Insert Citation (may be an icon).

Select a reference - hold down the shift key and drag it into your document at the location you would like to insert a citation. Open your Zotero Library - go to the options menu and choose the citation style you are using for your paper. You can use Zotero to insert references into a Word document, generate a bibliography at the end of your document and format it in the citation style of your choice. Using Zotero with Unsupported Word Processors or Text Editors.